My passion for navigating people through pain and transition grew out of my own adjustments to loss: Loss of teenage years, second to early marriage, death of an unborn second child, divorce after 21 years of marriage, and the deaths of not one but two husbands!

I Understand the Pain of Loss…
I am a trained Stephen’s Minister and truly embrace the power of accompanying someone through a minefield of emotional pain.
I believe that one step at a time, one moment at a time, you can step out of the torturous waters of grief and step onto the shores of comfort, healing, restoration, and eventual joy!
I have been a Registered Nurse for over 50 years, and 43 of those years were spent as a Nurse Manager. I have a heart of compassion and deeply care for those experiencing loss through the death of a husband, parent, child, divorce, or loss of a job and or demotion.
I know that transformation for individuals is much like that of a caterpillar… from an ugly blob into one of God’s most beautiful creatures!
Let me help you transform your current state of mourning, sorrow, pain, grief, and disappointment into hope and move you into all God has for you!

When Tears Have Voice
A candid and transparent look into my journey through grief. Riveting and revealing stories torn from the pages of my life depict the golden thread of hope that held me together and guided me from mourning to eventual joy!